
The NYC Feminist Zinefest is being held on February 25, 2012 !

Why a feminist zinefest, you say?

Following a year marked by brutal sexual assaults by local police officers and foreign dignitaries alike, the idea of a feminist zinefest resonates strongly for us in 2012. We’d like to showcase the work of artists and zinesters who proudly identify as feminists, and whose politics are reflected in their work.

And also, zines have a special place in our hearts.
There’s just something about the immediacy and expressiveness of a little printed booklet, smudged with printer’s ink or photocopy errors. It’s like a small, pocket-sized emissary of ideas, one who will eagerly come with you on a long train or bus ride, and share its hidden tales.

Currently we’re seeking feminist zinesters to table at the event- $5 gets you a 4′ table space to cover with zines and art. We welcome folks of all genders, races, class backgrounds, and abilities.

Contact us at feministzinefestnyc@gmail.com for more information!

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